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#Life Insurance | 12 MIN READ

3 Reasons Why You Can’t Keep Buying Life Insurance For Later

3 Reasons Why You Can’t Keep Buying Life Insurance For Later.

Wasn’t it in primary school, you came across the saying “a stitch in time saves nine”? As with all such timeless wisdoms, you get to see it playing out in different situations. You might be unaware, but this holds true for buying life insurance. You and your family could end up sorry for delaying the purchase of a life insurance policy. Here are three good reasons.

Your family remains at risk

In the event of an untimely demise, life insurance bridges the gap between savings and your family’s financial requirements. This includes both regular requirements like monthly expenses and outstanding loans besides major future requirements like child’s higher education.

Without life insurance, a family is vulnerable and has to fall back on available savings, making many premature exits.

Higher premiums

When you buy life insurance early in life, you pay a lower premium.

This goes up over time and if medical condition is detected during medical tests, the premium goes up even more.

Higher financial burden

As you progress in life, financial responsibilities increase. You have loan EMIs to pay and investments to make. Think about the additional burden a large life insurance premium would cause.

This could also prevent you from stepping up your investments at a time you need to. You also need to be aware that with time, as your income increases and your family’s lifestyle improves you need higher life insurance coverage. A late start to buying life insurance will further add to the burden.

Clearly, there is a lot to be gained by avoiding a delay in buying a life insurance plan. Being more secure is better than being sorry. Well, that wasn’t exactly the same as another popular saying. But you get the drift, don’t you?

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